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Smash Mistress

The Patron Saint of Sassiness


Super Power: Dexterity, acrobatics and the ability to create concussion blast by slapping her hands together

Finishing Move: The Smash Clap

Weakness: Leg cramps and the inability to stop talking about her new apartment

Alias: Private Dancer

Secret Identity: Brandi Bends

Episodes seen in: 01, 09


Background: Mild mannered Corporate HR director Brandi Bends can never find enough time in her day. Her laundry is always piling up, her social life is nearly non-existent, and her love life is a disaster; all thanks to her never ending duty as the 'The Cities' patron saint protector, Smash Mistress.

Whether she is desperately trying to schedule a girls night out or show off her new apartment, Brandi knows the call to action for her alter ego is always near and most likely will ruin any plans she tries to make.

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