Background: After years of being thwarted by the Super Femmes, the criminal mastermind, The Acorn, decided to form The Evil League of Super Villains. Together with Freckles the Clown, Doctor Heartless and The Wicked Worm, they teamed up to better their chances against the femmes and had some success initially defeating Ultimate Girl and Captain Frigid. In an effort to stop their reign of terror some of the Femmes teamed up to defeat the league during the inter-dimensional battle in which the league tried to conjure up a southern demon named Bubba the Terrible. In the aftermath of that battle The Wicked Worm was lost to another dimension and the League was locked up, with Acorn getting a life sentence.
After Freckles and Doctor Heartless were released from prison they decided to reform and allowed Doctor Heartless's tax accountant, the wanna-be super villain known as Pasta Fingers, to join and over-see the day-to-day administration of the League. He recruited Chest-Hair Charlie, and The White Rappin' Kid, but has yet to lead them into a victorious battle against the Femmes or reclaim their former glory.