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Background: Moana Lott, a.k.a. The Hummer, always had a sense of duty about her; she was a bus monitor in school and when she graduated she went to work with the peace corps to fulfill her lifelong mission of helping others in need, but an incident 3 months into her tour changed her life forever.


While returning to her volunteer camp after giving an evening English class, three men attacked her near the local electric plant. She escaped and ran inside the gates  toward the giant exposed power cables. As the men chased after her she tripped and fell to the ground. Suddenly a lighting strike struck the exposed power cables causing them to fall onto her. The attackers were sure she was dead by electrocution; but she miraculously arose to her feet, the hairs on her skin bristling with sparkling energy; she moved and swayed with the electric pulses dancing within her as she began to build up electricity and pointed her hands at her attackers to stop them from advancing on her, to her surprise bolts of tiny lighting shot out from her fingertips and stopped the attackers in their tracks as if she had tassed them with her mind.


She decided to leave the peace corps and return to the states to use her powers for good and become a crime fighter, fighting to stop villains like her would be attackers.

The Hummer

The Vibrating Touch of Truth


Super Power: Can rub her legs together and generate powerful static shocks or stings on touch.

Finishing Move: The Vibrator (She rubs her legs together and builds up a static electrical charge that can shoot through her fingers at enemies)

Weakness: Vulnerable when legs are apart

Alias: None.

Secret Identity: Moana Lott,

Episodes seen in: 04, 05, 06, 07, 08

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